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Motosumo's different subscriptions

Learn how our free and paid plan works and why you sometimes see ads during a class

Jens Juel Jensen avatar
Written by Jens Juel Jensen
Updated over 5 months ago

Motosumo offers world class cycling classes directly to you at home or in the gym. In order to do that, we need to make a revenue so we can pay our instructors and employees. To do that, we offer two different plans that you can read about below. On both plans, you can ride as many Motosumo classes as you like - anytime, anywhere.

Free Plan

On this plan, usage of Live, RePlay and On-Demand classes are restricted to one class each week, and you will have to watch ads before, after, and sometimes during a class. It works kind of similar to watching ads on a free Youtube account. Also, you won't have access to your whole training history and achievements.

Premium Plan

On this plan, you can enjoy all our Live RePlay and On-Demand classes without having to watch any ads. In addition, you get access to your entire training history and achievements.

The Premium subscription can be started from the app and includes a one week free trial. You can choose either a monthly or annual subscription.

Need help?

If you have any questions about our Plans or need help with anything else, don't hesitate to get in touch at

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