My app is crashing, can you help!

What should you do if your app stops working?

Jens Juel Jensen avatar
Written by Jens Juel Jensen
Updated over a week ago

Yes, we will try to fix the bug, but there are some things you can do to help us, and some things you can try to do to resolve the issue yourself. 

First, send an email to to inform us about the problem, even if we are already aware of the problem it is helpful for us to get more information about who is having the problem, and what triggered it. Include the following information in the email: 

  • Describe the problem. What happened immediately before the problem occurred the first time (did you do something unusual, did the app update, anything you think could have triggered the crash)

  • The email address you used for signing up in the app

  • The phone make and model, when you experienced the problem the first time

  • A screenshot of the problem (if possible). 

Try to delete the app data: instructions for android 6.0, iOS, and restarting the app. This will require you to sign in to the app again. 

If nothing else works, try to delete the app and reinstall it from the play or app store. 

Hang tight, if you have emailed us a description of the crash, we will let you know if we have found and fixed the bug in the app.

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